Stavros Theologou
Evangelismo's General Hospitals, Greece
Stavros Theologou works as a Registered ITU Nurse in Cardiac Surgery ICU of ‘Evangelism’s’ General Hospital of Athens. He completed a Post-graduate course in ‘Intensive Therapy Units and Emergency Nursing’ in Medical School of National and Kapodistrean University of Athens and a Post-graduate course in Health and Social Welfare Services in School of Business Administration of University of West Attica and currently is a PhD candidate in Medical School of Athens. He has also contributed in publications in several reputed scientific health journals.
1: Registered ITU Nurse, ΜSc, PhD (c) Cardiac Surgery ICU, ‘Evangelismos’ General Hospital of Athens, Greece.
2: Research Fellow, MSc, PhD (c), Department of Nursing, Center for Health Services Management and Evaluation, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
3: Assistant Professor, ΜSc, PhD, Department of Economics of the University of Piraeus, Director at the Laboratory of the Health Economics and Management of University of Piraeus
Abstract : Risk factors analysis of health care cost increase in ICU patients post cardiac surgery